DebtMatters Podcast

76 - Warning Signs You Have a Debt Problem

Episode Summary

The news is full of stories about the rise of household debt. More Canadians are having to rely on their credit cards to make their paycheques stretch. Financial trouble can stem not from the amount of debt that you owe but your ability to repay that debt. Whereas some people struggle with $1,000 dollars of debt, others can handle $100,000.

Episode Notes

The news is full of stories about the rise of household debt. More Canadians are having to rely on their credit cards to make their paycheques stretch. Financial trouble can stem not from the amount of debt that you owe but your ability to repay that debt. Whereas some people struggle with $1,000 dollars of debt, others can handle $100,000.  

How do you know when you are heading for trouble? Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Amanda Sherwood discusses the warning signs you may have a debt problem.

Other topics covered:

If you are struggling with your debt, Licensed Insolvency Trustees can help you take back control of your finances. They are considered some of the best financial advisors in the country and the only ones licensed by the federal government of Canada. 

About Amanda Sherwood

Amanda started with Allan Marshall and Associates in 2008 as an Estate Administrator. She has since received her Chartered Insolvency & Restructuring Professional (CIRP) and her Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) designation in 2022. 

The most rewarding part of her job, Amanda says, is hearing her clients say how relieved they are after meeting with their office. She reminds everyone that they are not alone and that help is available to get relief from insurmountable debt.  

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